Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Sueing Game & Paintball! (Maggie)

An 89 year old woman sued the family of a young boy because the toys left in her yard caused her emotional distress. If I got a ton of free toys, I wouldn't have emotional distress, I would be joyful!

Police arrested a drug dealer who was accepting unwanted gift cards in exchange for cocaine. This seemed odd to me at first, like, what if he got something he didn't want? A Victoria's Secret gift card? (Well... he might want that, heh heh) But then I realized, he could probably get a $10 dollar gift cards and sell it somewhere else for like, $50 (lie about the price.. you know.)

Well, the funniest story of them all is where a man shot his friend's windshield repeatedly with a paintball gun. When the police arrived to arrest him, he claimed he was trying to prevent his friend from driving drunk by destroying his car! (He was arrested anyhow.)

~Maggie Kay


New Year's Superstitions (Niki)

Well, now that we've made our first video, I'm searching around for more interesting stories to talk about. What I'm currently reading about is New Year's Superstitions. Most of the superstitions seem to revolve around the idea that what happens on the first day of the year will set the tone for the rest of the year. For example, you should try to avoid breaking things or crying, "lest wreckage be part of your year." You should also try to be productive, but don't spend too much time on work! Also, the first person who enters your house after midnight will supposedly greatly influence the rest of your year. You want this person to have dark hair (for blond and red haired people denote bad luck) and to be a man (for women denote disaster in the year ahead*). Hopefully, he also bears gifts, since this would imply that you will receive many good things throughout the year. Hope you have a Happy New Year's and a wonderful new year to come!
*This can't possibly be true since everyone knows that women are amazing and should be worshipped. 

First Video (Maggie)

So, our first attempt at a video was half-decent (I think). It took quite a while because we had a few deleted scenes (maybe we can include them in our next video). The video itself may have seemed a little bit un-sequenced, which we will try to improve in the future. The blame ultimately falls on us for drinking way too many caffeinated drinks, staying up far too late, and having ADD (no joke). The scene will also change in the future to a place with more natrual light and less distractions in the background. If you have any other feedback or suggestions, we would love to hear them! Otherwise, please subscribe and look out for any future videos! (We haven't figured out how often we will update yet, but it will probably be about once a week).

~Maggie Kay